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June 2015

Tracy Cranley

Let me start by saying a huge THANK YOU to everyone who voted Pine Straw as your favorite gift and home decor store in this year’s Wicked Local Contest! We won in six categories this year and are so grateful to all of you who supported us!

We’ve been so busy helping so many of you pick out graduation and teacher gifts these past few weeks; I know the next time we look up it is going to be summer! If you haven’t had a chance to do your shopping yet, we’re still fully-stocked for you and ready to help you knock out those special grads and dad’s and teacher gifts!

Our other big news, in case you haven’t already heard, is that Pine Straw will be opening a second location in Waban, (1625 Beacon Street) this fall! The buildout is already underway and we are so excited to share our new space with you! I can assure you that not much will change here -- with both stores just a few miles apart, many of our Wellesley staff and I will be at both stores throughout the week and I promise to keep both stores stocked with the best merchandise around, while continuing to offer you the most courteous, personalized service.

The Waban store is about half the size of our current space and will be a select version of our Wellesley store. We will have a little of everything, including plenty of free parking (and a Starbucks across the street)! We are planning for an early September opening and if you want to follow the construction progress, please follow us on Instagram. I’ve been posting pics of the construction progress of our new space and some of the display pieces that will be making their home there. In the meantime, continue to follow us on Facebook for recipes, sale announcements and updates. Many of you have expressed how much you miss our monthly newsletter. I am going to do my best to get back to the monthly routine come September -- promise!

I feel so fortunate to have the best customers in the Boston area -- the support you’ve shown us over these past few years has been incredible. I still can’t believe I get to do this for a living! I wish you all the most relaxing summer -- enjoy the slower paced days it has to offer and I hope you come see us at the store.