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Filtering by Tag: Girls Night Out

April 2015

Tracy Cranley

Well, we did it! We survived that nasty winter!!! I hope you’re enjoying this great spring weather that we have all waited so long for! The activity in the store and the pop of color on the ground is telling me that a new season really has arrived! With busier days ahead, my monthly newsletter will now be coming out bi-monthly. However, keep up with new items and store happenings via Instagram (my new favorite app), Facebook and our website.

Now that the outside weather is finally aligning with the inside mood of our store, keep in mind the big dates ahead of us all; Mother’s Day, Graduation, Confirmation, First Communion and Father’s Day. We are packed to the gills with great gift ideas for everyone. As always, we are happy to ship anything you need at all and if you spend $250 or more, shipping is free.

We hosted our first store event of the season this past week -- thanks to all of you who made it! Pam Fink, creator/owner of Good Charma hosted a trunk show and boy did we love having her (and her dog, Coheo) for a couple of days. The reaction to her jewelry was overwhelmingly good and we will be sure to have lots of her gorgeous pieces on hand from here on out. Marc LeBlanc, a local athlete/marathon runner was serving up Fit Vine wine, which we all agreed was delicious. Maria of Salon One shared some beauty tips on hair and make up, while our Maria Dilorenzo shared her style sense and debuted our newest apparel. All in all, we had a great time! Mark your calendars for April 30, when we host our next Girls Night Out event with Deborah Trickett, our garden guru who is the creator behind our containers in front of the store. She will be teaching us how to make the most out of container gardening. It should be a fun night and one lucky winner will go home with one of Deborah’s gorgeous arrangements.

I wish all the runners of this year’s Boston Marathon a great race! Our daffodils are up and standing at attention to greet you as you run by the store. And to all who are leaving for April vacation -- safe travels and enjoy some well deserved R&R.