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Filtering by Tag: wooden ships

September 2014

Tracy Cranley

There’s a chill in the air and like it or not, fall is on it’s way. It has always been my favorite season thanks to the color changes of the trees, the scents in the air and best of all, the fashion -- I love sweater weather! We’ll help keep you cozy with Wooden Ships, Minnie Rose, Michael Stars and so many more great designers.

I spent a good part of the summer attending some shows and cannot wait to share with you the great things I found. We also had the opportunity to create some gift “baskets” for some of our customers. We had so much fun making them that we wanted to let you know that we are happy to create one for you as well. Email or call us, give us a price point and a few ideas about the recipient and we can create a unique housewarming, birthday, baby or anniversary gift and have it ready for you at your convenience. As always, we are also more than happy to ship gifts out for you.

We have exciting news for our out of town customers -- we joined this summer and now you can shop us online. You can find home, gift and apparel (coming next month) on this beautiful website. Check it out and feel free to share our URL to start shopping right away.

I know this time of year can be a little overwhelming but don’t stress -- we are fully prepared to help you with that last minute hostess gift, birthday gift or little pick-me-up that you are looking for. We have new products arriving daily over the next couple of months and I promise you’re going to love what you see. We’ve got more jewelry than ever before. I think our tabletop selection is our best yet and as promised, we have a wide array of unique gifts from so many artisans right here in the US.